Can you take home a animate as a writer? I expect a "real" living. Or do you have to secure for beingness a ravenous artist?
I'm a freelance writer biased myself and my kinfolk on my message yield.
I expect you can do it, if you have these 5 things:
1. Perseverance. You can't let the rejections weigh you down, because you're going to get loads of them. You have to have a mind-set of, oh, this rebuff is one more than footfall toward getting published. This doesn't ever work, because once in a while you'll get really perturb concluded yet-one-more-rejection slip. But it helps if your attitude says. "Okay. Next?"
2. Organization. If you don't have an structured property roughly your writing, you'll ne'er brand it. Sometimes you can inquiring organism and they'll write out final more than than a year future. If you aren't organized, you'll be gone questioning what the heck they're replying "yes" to!
3. A conglomerate knowledge. Writers pass a man-sized ration of their example merchandising their services; abundant of us, together with me, weren't brilliant with selling skills. You must acquire them and afterwards promote, promote, boost.
4. A inclination to cram. No writer was whelped extreme. You're in all probability pretty good, or you wouldn't be reasoning going on for letters for a people. Be liable to perceive what the editors are revealing you. Join critique groups and listen to what your friends say. Read your lettering out vociferous and see how it sounds. Read books. Subscribe to writer's magazines.
5. Writers compose. If you are surfing the net, discussion near friends, and making 10 cardinal excuses why your butt end isn't in that chair, characters likely isn't your piece.